Cowon Maximum File Limit Workaround?

17-05-2018 à 16:32:27
Hello all,

A thought occurred to me a few days back. I was answering someone's question on the AP100 player (on headfi), that it seems to perhaps be capped at reading 5800 tracks maximum (via the id3 tag database browsing, but not in Folder mode). My workaround to getting them to 'shuffle all' was to make a playlist/m3u file of everything and try that. It works.It then got me thinking... the Cowon limits, 8000 maximum per memory storage (on most devices), does this simply apply ONLY to Cowon's id3 tag database browsing also? Like the AP100 might the files be accessible and playable on a Cowon via it's Folder browsing mode?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

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